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Set the target's ID as the `href` attribute on the element."); return } var $target = jQuery($this.attr('href')); if(!$target.length) { console.log($this); console.error("Target `" + $this.attr('href') + "` does not exist."); return; } var data = $'show-content-options'); if(!data) { console.log($this); console.error('Options undeclared. Declare the options using the `data-show-content-options` attribute on the element.'); return; } var options = (typeof data === 'string') ? homebrew.getKeyValuePairsFromString(data) : {}; if(!options.type) { console.log($this); console.error('Options declared, but no type specified.'); return; } var scrollArgs = [$target]; if(options.smoothScroll !== true) { scrollArgs.push('snap'); } switch(options.type) { case types.TAB: $this.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $tabContent = $target.closest('.tab-content'), $heightSyncers = $tabContent.find('.js-sync-height-wrapper'); if($tabContent.hasClass('current')) { FE.scrollTo.apply(null, scrollArgs); } else { if($heightSyncers.length) { $heightSyncers.last().one('afterSync', function() { FE.scrollTo.apply(null, scrollArgs); }); $'togglerify').toggleOn(); } else { $'togglerify').toggleOn(); FE.scrollTo.apply(null, scrollArgs); } } }); break; case types.NOTES: if(!$notesToggler.length || !$notesContent.length) { return; } $this.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(!$notesToggler.hasClass('is-toggled')) { $notesToggler.togglerify('toggleOn', { noSlide : true }); } FE.scrollTo($target); }); break; default: console.log($this); var errorMsg = [ 'The type `', options.type, '` is not supported. Our currently supported types are: ' ]; jQuery.each(types, function(key, value) { errorMsg.push('\n' + value); }); errorMsg.push('\n\nCheck the type again.'); console.error(errorMsg.join('')); break; } }); }, /* End initContentShowers */ initDropdownSwitchers : function($scope) { var $holders = ($scope && $scope.length) ? $scope.find('.dropdown-switcher-holder') : jQuery('.dropdown-switcher-holder'); if(!$holders.length) return; $holders.each(function() { var $dropdown = jQuery(this).find('.dropdown-switcher'), $contents = jQuery(this).find('.dropdown-content'); $dropdown .on('change', function() { $contents .hide() .eq(this.selectedIndex) .show(); }) .trigger('change'); }); }, initNumberTabbers : function() { jQuery('.number-tabber').each(function() { var $tabs = jQuery(this).find('.number-tabber__tabs').children('li'), $contents = jQuery(this).find('.number-tabber__contents').children('li'); $tabs .togglerify('destroy') .togglerify({ toggledClass: 'current', singleActive: true, selfToggleable: false, content: function(index) { return $contents.eq(index); } }); }); }, /* End initNumberTabbers */ initPage : function() { jQuery('.js-dropdownify').dropdownify(); jQuery('.js-inputify').inputify(); jQuery.each(FE, function(key, value) { if(key.indexOf('init') === 0 && key !== 'initPage') value(); }); FE.loadXMLForm(jQuery('.js-xml-form-holder')); FE.loadXMLTable(jQuery('.js-xml-tbl-holder')); FE.loadXMLLocations(jQuery('.js-xml-locations-holder')); if( jQuery('[placeholder]').placeholderify(); }, /* End initPage */ initSectionSnap : function() { /* Only needed for touchscreens, where the header does not * automatically hide itself. */ if(!Modernizr.touch) return; var hash = FE.getHash(); if(!hash || hash.indexOf('#/') > -1) return; var $hash = jQuery(hash); if(!$hash.length || !$'.section')) return; setTimeout(function() { FE.scrollTo($hash); }, 25); }, /* End initSectionSnap */ initSelfTogglers : function() { /* Self Togglers - for things like FAQ questions */ jQuery('.self-toggler__toggler').togglerify({ singleActive: false, slide: true, content: function() { return jQuery(this).next(); } }); }, /* End initSelfTogglers */ initSectionContentToggler : function() { /* Section Content togglers - for pages like Popular FAQs */ var $sectionContentTogglers = jQuery('.section-content-toggler'); if(!$sectionContentTogglers.length) return; var $sectionToggleableContents = jQuery('.section-toggleable-content'), $sectionDropdown = jQuery('', '', options.join(''), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', (tooltip) ? '' : '', floaterStr, '

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